[Pkg-sogo-maintainers] Bug#862862: Confirmation & tedious workaround

Oliver Rümpelein oli_r at fg4f.de
Mon Aug 13 10:03:56 BST 2018

Can confirm, also with 3.2.6 and MariaDB with local accounts.

What bugs me most about this is, that the whole information needed for editing ACLs is actually there.
There just seems to be some problem with the Javascript handling the onclick on the names that have been put in.

A (tedious) workaround: Click and "Inspect" the block showing the name of a person the calendar is shared with (this should be an "<md-card>"-tag). This one should have to child elements, the second one being an "<md-card-content>"-tag carrying the "ng-hide"-class. If you change this to "ng-show", the relevant data will appear.

Unfortunately, this has to be done for each and every entry, and is not persistent.

My knowledge on SOGo is almost non-existent, but maybe this will give a hint for a solution to those people who do know it better.


Oliver Rümpelein <oli_r at fg4f.de>

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