[Pkg-sssd-devel] Bug#1069425: Bug#1069425: uid-wrapper: FTBFS on armhf: 15: [ LINE ] --- ./tests/test_syscall.c:53: error: Failure!

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Wed Jul 24 10:57:08 BST 2024

Ingo <Ingo at Hoeft-online.de> writes:

> On Sun, 21 Jul 2024 23:00:48 +0200 Drew Parsons <dparsons at debian.org> wrote:
>> Just to be clear, I'm not supporting dropping armv7 support.
>> It's only one test that's failing.  Skipping the one test (on 32-bit 
>> arm) is all that's needed.  It's passing the other tests.
> Yes, that's what I mean. But a failing test indicates a failure on
> platform with armv7. Skipping the test may result in an unexpected 
> behavior on that platform.

I'm terribly sorry for not having had time to debug and fix this issue
-- and I'm currently on vacation/travelling, so if anyone has patches
how to fix it (or even just ideas to test), please make an upload!

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