[Pkg-sugar-devel] Sugar packaging for Wheezy/Jessie/Stretch/Buster

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Apr 20 10:42:58 UTC 2015


Sugar is dropped from official inclusion in Jessie (see bug#782572) and 
official Debian packages will therefore generally be targeted Sid now 
(since we need no path kept open to push last-minute fixes for Jessie).

I've made a disruptive change, causing Sugar to likely not be 
installable right now (hopefully fixed within a day or two):

* Renamed multiple binary packages built by src:sugar-artwork-0.104.  
This was done to support multiarch, and to follow naming scheme of 
theme-related packages in Debian drafted by the debian-desktop team.

Generally, package renames should be targeted experimental branch to 
avoid disruption, but that was unsuitable this time due to the package 
not yet in Sid (read: bad planning by me).

I will update my unofficial packaging for Sid+Jessie+Wheezy to match 
official development: Tag "sugar" tracks Sid, and tag "sugar_" tracks 
experimental - i.e. to test main development backported to Jessie use 
this APT line:

  deb http://dr.jones.dk/ jessie sugar

whereas if you want to test experimental additions backported to Jessie 
(currently there are *no* experimental stuff), use this instead:

  deb http://dr.jones.dk/ jessie sugar sugar_

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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