[Pkg-sugar-devel] Packaging activities with mimetypes.xml files in Debian

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Apr 30 21:22:09 UTC 2015

[dropped James and Martin from cc - they are subscribed to list]

Hi Martin (and others),

Quoting Martin Abente (2015-04-30 23:07:11)
> While packaging activities that contained a "mimetypes.xml" file like 
> in FotoToon [1], I noticed in the resulting package some "unexpected" 
> files being included under "/usr/share/mime/".

Please file as a bugreport - it is much easier to track than a casual 
mailinglist conversation.

> There is also another issue with symlinks created by bundlebuilder [8] 
> when installing mimetypes.xml, but not sure how it can be solved yet.

...and file each issue separately - it is easy to merge issues if they 
turn out to stem from same root cause, but (slightly) harder to split an 
issue into several parts later.

> PS: I CC'ing Peter in case this information is useful for Fedora.

The Debian issue tracker behaves much like an ad-hoc mailinglist: You 
can cc others, and others can later join the conversation and then 
automagically gets "suvscribed" to the issue.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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