[Pkg-sugar-devel] Sugar package gone

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Tue Oct 20 08:31:23 UTC 2015

Jonas who is the main packager, hosts unofficial packages at:

Here's the line for /etc/apt/sources.list:
#deb http://debian.jones.dk/ sid sugar #
deb http://debian.jones.dk/ sid sugar_ # includes unmantained stuff such
as telepathy-gabble-legacy

I am glad that you are finding these packages useful, as I spent some
time with Jonas while he was working on them. I know he will be glad too.

There is an intention in Sugar Labs to update dependencies for 0.108, in
the meantime, as I understand it, it will mean extra effort to maintain
deprecated versions of certain packages and host them outside debian.


On 19/10/15 21:34, Corey McGuire wrote:
> Thank you,
> Are those packages still available, somewhere? Can I get old copies of
> the apt caches?
> -c
> =========================
> The greatest joy I have as an
> Android is watching my pet
> human trying to communicate
> using only his thumbs. It's ok,
> blame my autocorrect function,
> it's adorable.
> On Oct 19, 2015 7:28 PM, "James Cameron" <quozl at laptop.org
> <mailto:quozl at laptop.org>> wrote:
>     G'day Corey,
>     The packages were removed automatically because of a dependency on
>     old version of GStreamer.
>     See recent automated mails on this list:
>     https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-sugar-devel
>     --
>     James Cameron
>     http://quozl.linux.org.au/

I+D SomosAzucar.Org
"icarito" #somosazucar en Freenode IRC
"Nadie libera a nadie, nadie se libera solo. Los seres humanos se liberan en comunión" - P. Freire

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