[Pkg-swan-devel] Bug#883072: Bug#883072: strongswan-libcharon: Upgrade to 5.6.1-2 changed cypher proposals, can't connect to VPN anymore

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at debian.org
Wed Nov 29 12:34:24 UTC 2017

On Wed, 2017-11-29 at 10:54 +0100, Luca Niccoli wrote:
> Is there a specific reason the default cipher proposal by
> strongswan doesn't offer aes256-sha256-prfsha256-modp1024 anymore?
> Would it be possible to add it back? 


see the first point in https://wiki.strongswan.org/versions/67:

    Several algorithms were removed from the default ESP/AH and IKEv2 proposals in compliance with
    RFC 8221 and RFC 8247, respectively. Removed from the default ESP/AH proposal were the
    3DES and Blowfish encryption algorithms and the HMAC-MD5 integrity algorithm. From the IKEv2 default
    proposal the HMAC-MD5 integrity algorithm and the MODP-1024 Diffie-Hellman group were removed (the
    latter is significant for Windows clients in their default configuration).
    These algorithms may still be used in custom proposals.

We don't intend to divert from upstream on that (quite the contrary actually),
so no we won't add it back. I'll add a note to NEWS.Debian though, so users
are warned at upgrade time.

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