[Pkg-systemd-maintainers] Bug#718190: systemd: sometimes computer doesn't boot. It seems a problem with lvm.

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Sat Aug 10 19:18:30 BST 2013

Hi Antonio-M.,

"Antonio-M. Corbi Bellot" <antonio.corbi at ua.es> writes:
> I attach udevadm.log, but let me explain, when I fall in that
> shell...in '/dev/mapper/' only exist:
> /dev/mapper/hal9000-root  and
> /dev/mapper/hal9000-swap_1
Can you — before you undertake any other steps — run udevadm on the root
and swap device please?

Also, can you change the following settings in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf please,
and then attach a new journalctl output?

log {
verbose = 3
level = 7

I installed a new Debian wheezy in a VM with the LVM setup that you are
using, your lvm2 and kernel version, but it works just fine over many
boots :-/.

Best regards,

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