[Pkg-systemd-maintainers] Bug#739071: Bug#739071: no core dumps and hard to diagnose

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Mon Feb 17 19:43:03 GMT 2014

Hi Antoine,

Antoine Beaupré <anarcat at debian.org> writes:
>> You need LimitCORE=infinity in your service file (which does the same as
>> ulimit -c unlimited in sysv init scripts).
> This was not very clear in the manpages I could find. All that
> systemd.exec says is to refer to setrlimit(2) which is not very clear
> that we can use the keyword "infinity". So maybe the bug is over
> there. ;)

I think you overread the third sentence entirely, which describes
precisely the keyword “infinity”:

       LimitCPU=, LimitFSIZE=, LimitDATA=, LimitSTACK=, LimitCORE=,
       LimitRSS=, LimitNOFILE=, LimitAS=, LimitNPROC=, LimitMEMLOCK=,
       LimitLOCKS=, LimitSIGPENDING=, LimitMSGQUEUE=, LimitNICE=,
       LimitRTPRIO=, LimitRTTIME=
           These settings control various resource limits for executed
           processes. See setrlimit(2) for details. Use the string
           infinity to configure no limit on a specific resource.

Best regards,

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