Bug#756604: systemd: NoNewPrivileges allows UID changes, while the doc says it prohibits it

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Thu Jul 31 11:17:03 BST 2014

Control: retitle -1 Misleading documentation about NoNewPrivileges and UID changes
Control: tag -1 + upstream


Ansgar Burchardt wrote (31 Jul 2014 09:53:21 GMT) :
> It works as intended, but the documentation might be a bit misleading.
> NoNewPrivileges only affects the exec syscall which will no longer grant
> any new privileges, including no longer switching uid for suid binaries.
> It does *not* take away the CAP_SETUID or any other capabilities the
> process already has.

Thanks a lot! I'll report a bug upstream (possibly with a patch) wrt.
the documentation being a bit misleading, then.


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