
Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 13:20:06 BST 2014

> I think it provides similar features as "anacron".
Not at all for the moment.

systemd-cron needs systemd > 212 to use "persistent timers" in order to emulate anacron?
and sid is stuck at 204.

indeed /etc/crontab & /etc/cron.d are currently not supported,
but are also less used ; maybe packages using custom cron jobs should also provide custom
systemd units & timers in the future; but I guess it won't happen in Jessie.

We could maybe use this:

> should not have Provides: cron-daemon
That would make this package un-installable, because regular cron would
be almost mandatory (of fcron, or bcron-run) & the two conflicts.

Still it's nice in some case to have a lean system without cron, anacron , inetd, atd...

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