Bug#750019: systemd: systemctl rescue does not work on virtual console

Francois Mescam francois at mescam.org
Sun Jun 1 16:12:15 BST 2014

On 01/06/2014 14:43, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 31.05.2014 20:24, schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> severity 750019 normal
>> tags 750019 + moreinfo unreproducible
>> thanks
>> Am 31.05.2014 19:42, schrieb Francois Mescam:
>> I can not reproduce the issue here.
> I'm running 208-1 here. Maybe that's the reason I can't reproduce.
> The only thing I can currently think of which *might* have some
> influence are the settings
> StandardInput=tty-force
> StandardOutput=inherit
> StandardError=inherit
These settings are the same than these on 204-8 (testing) or 204-10
> in /lib/systemd/system/rescue.service.
> They might have a different effect depending from what type of console
> you start the rescue service.
> Could you please test 208-1 from experimental and see if that fixes the
> issue?
I've installed 208-1 and it's better but not completely.

I begin the test from a graphical session and I do :
- Ctrl-Alt-F1
- login as root
- type systemctl start debug-shell.service to have a true rescue console
if there are problems
- type systemctl rescue
- I obtain in-line the prompt to give the root password
- I type the root password
- I can type some commands and after about 15 seconds the screen is
erased and I obtained the classic login screen on virtual console
- I type root
- before asking for password it is write "System is going down"
- after entering the password it takes 45 seconds to have the prompt
- I can do what I want in the console
- if I closed the session I obtain the prompt to login but I see in tty9
that there are no more processes running than before I close the session.

 Francois Mescam

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