Bug#731649: #731649 - systemd: sleep key no longer suspends - just locks + blanks screen

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Fri May 9 20:05:01 BST 2014

Hi Jonathan,

On 09.05.2014 20:58, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> I've switched laptops since reporting that bug, and once the TC had
> ruled on systemd switched to using that instead of sysvinit. So I can't
> test the situation that was broken back in December any more (i.e. that
> the suspend key stopped working, but the menu option worked). I can say
> that both the suspend key and the menu option are working fine on my
> current machines, however both are running with systemd as init.

I don't think any more testing is needed. The error
"Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Launch helper 
exited with unknown return code 1"
is a sure indication, that the problem was caused by missing 
systemd-sysv or systemd-shim.

Thanks for your answer anyway.

Best regards,

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