Bug#749330: systemd: The sysctl service is not started correctly at boot

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue May 27 11:23:23 BST 2014

Am 26.05.2014 20:50, schrieb Patrick Häcker:
> I guess the value dirty_writeback_centisecs defaults to 500. Other values 
> defined via sysctl have their (suspected) default value, too, after boot and 
> only change to the desired value after restarting the service manually as 
> described. Thus, I guess that the sysctl service is not started correctly, 
> although I cannot explain why systemctl should state otherwise (active, 
> success) in this case.

I suspect that systemd-sysctl set's the value correctly during boot, but
it is later reset by "some" other component.
Could you try the following: (as root)

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/systemd-sysctl.service.d/
echo -e "[Service]\nExecStartPost=/sbin/sysctl
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs" >

Then reboot and check the journal. The ExecStartPost command will dump
the sysctl value after it has been set by systemd-sysctl:

journalctl -b | grep sysctl	

If that turns up the correct vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs value, you
need to find the component which is responsible for changing it *after*
systemd-sysctl.service has run.


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