Need help debugging shutdown issues

Nikolaus Rath Nikolaus at
Wed Nov 5 02:35:38 GMT 2014


I'm using testing with systemd as pid 1, and my system does not shut
down (or reboot) properly.

That's a lot better than not booting properly, but I'd nevertheless like
to fix it :-).

I tried following the instructions at and
found that

sync && reboot -f
sync && poweroff -f

work just fine. When rebooting or powering off with systemctl, however,
the system is still active after 10 minutes of waiting.

I then proceeded to add

systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg log_buf_len=1M

to the kernel command line and created the
/usr/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/ file. I noticed that the
system-shutdown directory did not exist - does that mean this method is
not applicable in Debian?

In any case, I did not get the /shutdown-log.txt file after trying to
shutdown, so I activated the debug shell instead.

On the debug shell, I ran

systemctl reboot &
sleep 120
dmesg > dmesg.txt
systemctl status > systemctl-status.txt
systemctl list-units > systemctl-units.txt
systemctl list-jobs > systemctl-jobs.txt

This gave me a huge amount of information (included below), but I don't
really know what to do with it. For example, is it a problem if
samba.service has status "stop running"? Or is the problem with being in "start waiting"?

Could someone give me a hint what I should look for and/or where I
should look for it to debug this further?


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