About the TC vote on libpam-systemd

Bas Wijnen wijnen at debian.org
Wed Nov 19 22:07:47 GMT 2014


On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 12:40:00AM -0800, Keith Packard wrote:
> I'd like to apologize to the systemd maintainer team, and to Tollef in
> particular for my TC vote on the libpam-systemd bug.
> The discussion on this issue was an excellent model of the Debian
> community at work:

Thank you for this clarification.  As a bystander, I only read the TC
decision, and the fact that the TC had ruled to override the maintainer
lead me to the conclusion that the maintainer was opposed to this.  I'm
happy to know that this was not the case.

My impression of the systemd maintainers so far was that they had
stopped caring about making things work after they secured their spot as
default init system.  I'm happy to know this is not the case, and I want
to thank them for their hard work, and apologize for doubting them.

Also, thanks to the entire TC for their great work.  I can't imagine
it's fun, but I sure like that it is done.  I especially like that it
isn't done by me. ;-)

So thanks,
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