Bug#762395: systemd is not abel to boot systems with btrfs and without initramfs

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Oct 12 00:57:52 BST 2014

Am 12.10.2014 um 00:45 schrieb Dimitri John Ledkov:
> On 11 October 2014 20:14, Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org> wrote:

> Actually that dump is very confusing for me to read, but it does have
> timestamps for udev-trigger 2 seconds before data-gentoo, data and
> home mount.
> Then yeah, we need a log of udev events that were triggered during
> udev-trigger time.
>> To me it rather looks like "btrfs scan" is not triggered at all.
> Actually it looks like it was, no? Because data-gentoo, data and home
> mount units and local-fs did succeed, no?! If btrfs scan was not run,
> they wouldn't be active but failed or some such?!
> I'm further confused by reading into systemdadm output than I was before.

Yeah, curious. Looking at systemd-analyze-dump.txt, the btrfs volumes
seem to be correctly mounted and I don't find the custom
btrfs-scan.service in the dump.

M G, can you elaborate if this dump is from a successful boot or not?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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