Bug#760526: Enable AppArmor support (using libapparmor)

Michael scherer misc at zarb.org
Sun Oct 12 01:23:22 BST 2014

On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 01:40:29AM +0200, Michael scherer wrote:
> So, investigating the problem.
> The issue is that :
>  ReadOnlyDirectories = /
> make aa_change_onexec fail with 
>  Oct 11 23:22:25 test-debian systemd[1985]: Failed at step APPARMOR spawning /usr/bin/tor: Read-only file system
> ( once there is proper reporting ). I suspect the issue is upstream, with the ordering of readonly vs apparmor.
> Adding :
>  ReadWriteDirectories = /proc
> Seems to fix the issue as well. I am trying to see if I can fix properly upstream by moving around 
> apparmor support in the source code.

So there is a catch-22. If we set the profile before the mount, it fail with :

  Oct 12 00:13:40 test-debian systemd[1121]: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning /usr/bin/tor: No such file or directory

If we set it after, it fail with the previous error. I think someone need to see with upstream apparmor
people about the proper way to do that. I will try to see on systemd-devel if someone know why it fail like this.

Michael Scherer 

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