Bug#761576: systemd: fails to shutdown after changing to sysvinit

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Sep 14 18:21:22 BST 2014

tags 761576 + moreinfo

Am 14.09.2014 um 19:09 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
> Package: systemd
> Someone I know has just installed sysvinit-core on their system,
> to switch there from systemd. This is currently the recommended
> way of switching to sysvinit after installing a wheezy/sid system.
> The installation was not done with --purge and did pull sysvinit-shim.
> However, the system failed to come down / reboot properly after this.
> If installing Debian with systemd then installing sysvinit-core and
> rebooting is the recommended way to switch, it should work.

Yes, this should work both ways.

 I can
> imagine something like this:
> • in prerm, copy the systemd shutdown/reboot utility to /run

This is not necessary. sysvinit's shutdown/reboot etc utility are able
to talk to systemd and vice versa.

> • in postrm, reboot the system using these utilities, with a
>   debconf priority=high question, and tell the user how they
>   can do that manually if they deny the auto-reboot in debconf

No, this seems wrong. Besides, we first need to know what went wrong.
Please provide at least the versions that were installed.
Also a debug log from the (failed) shutdown would be really helpful [1].

I just run into an issue with cgmanager, which broke systemd v215.
If the user had v215 installed, it's likely he hit

[1] http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Debugging/
(/usr/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/debug.sh would be
/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/debug.sh on Debian)

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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