Bug#639459: Same bug, years later.

J Phelps phelpsj at nuvox.net
Thu Apr 30 23:37:33 BST 2015

So now you guys have forced "systemd" on all of us, and it doesn't even work.

The only difference between my error message and the one reported here is that
a different source file is indicated:

** (systemadm:21458): CRITICAL **: file /build/systemd-ui-GHIA4p/systemd-ui-3/src/systemadm.vala: line 339: uncaught error: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.systemd1: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1 (g-dbus-error-quark, 25)

Line 339 of systemadm.vala is a call to something called "Bus.get_proxy_sync":

                manager = Bus.get_proxy_sync(
                                user ? BusType.SESSION : BusType.SYSTEM,

This is literally all the documentation I could find on "get_proxy_sync":


I'll save you the trouble of opening that link: It contains nothing but
the method prototype. What does it even do? Apparently we're not supposed
to worry about things like what API functions do anymore. Perhaps I should
just reboot and reinstall like they do on Windows.

It doesn't matter if you're root or not, the result is the same.

So now I'm sitting on a system on which I presumably can't change anything
unless I either get this non-working program that uses an undocumented API
to do something, or figure out the complex forest of "unit files" that have
been created behind the scenes. 

A little background: Systemd is of course running, but so is init. However,
it looks like systemd has already taken over everything, since systemd-logind
is running. 

I am not using GNOME 3, nor will I do so, though I have considered the
possibility that systemadm might require a GNOME 3 session or maybe even
Wayland, which would be consistent with the way the New Linux crowd does
things. Forcing me to downgrade to GNOME 3 from MATE would be a last straw
for me. 

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