Bug#781886: qcontrol failure to start on boot sometimes (jessie, systemd?)

reportbug debbug.jessie.qcontrol.systemd.nospam.plz at sub.noloop.net
Thu Apr 16 10:44:55 BST 2015

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:36:32 +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-04-16 at 11:28 +0200, reportbug wrote:
> > But I did have one occasion where one out of my 3 qnaps repeatedly failed to 
> > boot after the latest kernel update (or at least the latest flash-kernel
> > trigger, maybe it was caused by a systemd upgrade) in jessie. 
> > (The other 2 qnaps were also updated at the same time but survived.) 
> > I had to perform the TFTP recovery routine by building a TFTP version of the 
> > wheezy installer, so I could mount up and chroot into the target file system 
> > and re-run flash-kernel, which fixed it.  I've never had that issue before, 
> > ever. Perhaps this is completely unrelated and just a glitch in the flash? 
> Uh, yes, I'm not sure. I suppose there were no complaints during the
> upgrade process? Without a upgrade and/or serial log that on is going to
> be rather hard to diagnose I think.

Nothing out of the ordinary really, but come to think of it, one of the
other 2 qnaps also had massive errors after the same systemd update. It
started kernel oopsing a lot killing processes all over the map, complaining
about some corrupt swap page table thing. I pulled the plug on it and it
rebooted fine and no errors since. I did post about that experience on the
debian-arm list a week or two ago with some logs. At the moment everything's 
running fine though. Maybe two cosmic rays at the same time. :)

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