Bug#782971: sane-utils: saned systemd config does not allow remote scanner access

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Fri Apr 24 08:30:38 BST 2015

Am 24.04.2015 um 07:55 schrieb Jörg Frings-Fürst:
> At end of December / beginning of January sane over network works fine
> with the "StandardInput=socket". Now sane in the same version don't work
> anymore over network.
> So my question: Has systemd any changes, so that StandardInput=socket is
> not more running?

Which version exactly did work and at which version did it start failing?
I'm not aware of any related changes in systemd which would have an
effect on this, but with the exact versions, it's easier to pinpoint.

If you don't remember anymore, you can get older versions from the
snapshot archive [1].


[1] http://snapshot.debian.org/
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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