Bug#790041: systemd: Crash after upgrade

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Aug 30 14:24:22 BST 2015

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Nicolas,

Am 26.06.2015 um 16:18 schrieb Nicolas Patrois:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 220-7
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> Since this morning upgrade, systemd crashes. Reinstalling systemd or restarting systemd shows this kind of lines.
> Here are the lines in the log:
> Message from syslogd at new-host-2 at Fri Jun 26 16:13:45 2015 ...
> new-host-2 vmunix: [5361162.555860] Process systemd-delta (pid: 21222, ti=f01b4000 task=f26dad30 task.ti=f01b4000)

The log messages you showed show problems with "systemd-analyze" and
"systemd-delta". I don't immediately see systemd itself crashing.

Is this problem still reproducible with 224 from unstable?
If so, please install systemd-dbg and get us a backtrace.


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