Bug#797131: udev kernel check during Wheezy->Jessie upgrade should happen earlier

Marco d'Itri md at Linux.IT
Fri Aug 28 01:57:29 BST 2015

Control: severity 797131 minor

On Aug 28, Andy Valencia <ajv-691-118-1432 at vsta.org> wrote:

> If the kernel is not acceptable for the upgrade, it should be detected
> before the upgrade starts.  The kernel check should not happen after the
> filesystem has been modified with some upgraded content.  An upgrade
> should never start if it can be determined that it can't complete
> successfully.
I do not think that there is anything else that udev can do, since the 
check is done in udev.preinst.
Also, I suspect that you were running a custom kernel, so this would not 
happen during normal upgrades.

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