csync2 socket and service file

Dhionel Díaz ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve
Mon Dec 7 00:14:36 GMT 2015

Hi everyone,

Following the directions in https://wiki.debian.org/systemd/HowToHelp
I've attached files that can be used to make csync2 a socket activated
service and avoid the use of inetd, they are based on the ones published
The configuration has been tested in a four node cluster.

I'll be awaiting your review.


Dhionel Díaz
Centro Nacional de Desarrollo e Investigación en Tecnologías Libres
Ministerio del Poder Popular para
Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología

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ListenStream = 30865
Accept = true

WantedBy = sockets.target
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Description = csyn2 asynchronous file synchronization

User = csync2
Group = csync2
ExecStart = -/usr/sbin/csync2 -i
StandardInput = socket
StandardOutput = socket
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