Bug#807651: udev: unowned files after purge (policy 6.8, 10.8): /etc/init/udev.override

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Fri Dec 11 10:40:37 GMT 2015

Control: severity -1 minor

Am 11.12.2015 um 11:21 schrieb Andreas Beckmann:

> during a test with piuparts I noticed your package left unowned files on
> the system after purge, which is a violation of policy 6.8 (or 10.8):
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html#s-removedetails
> Filing this as important as having a piuparts clean archive is a release
> goal since lenny.
>>From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...):
> 0m44.8s ERROR: FAIL: Package purging left files on system:
>   /etc/init/udev.override	 not owned

That means someone called "update-rc.d udev disable".

The udev package itself doesn't do that afaics. Can you find out who?

I'm not convinced that the package itself should clean that up.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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