csync2 socket and service file

Dhionel Díaz ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve
Mon Dec 7 18:37:19 GMT 2015

El 07/12/15 a las 12:12, Felipe Sateler escribió:
> On 7 December 2015 at 12:51, Dhionel Díaz <ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve> wrote:
>> El 07/12/15 a las 08:22, Felipe Sateler escribió:
>>> Hi Dhionel,
>>> On 6 December 2015 at 21:14, Dhionel Díaz <ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Following the directions in https://wiki.debian.org/systemd/HowToHelp
>>>> I've attached files that can be used to make csync2 a socket activated
>>>> service and avoid the use of inetd, they are based on the ones published
>>>> in
>>>> https://github.com/mk-fg/fg_exheres/tree/master/packages/sys-apps/csync2/files/systemd.
>>>> The configuration has been tested in a four node cluster.
>>> Excellent! Let's see this:
>>>> I'll be awaiting your review.
>>> csync2.socket
>>>> [Socket]
>>>> ListenStream = 30865
>>> Please don't use spaces around the '=' sign. This currently works, but
>>> is not part of the spec and may stop working in the future. Moreover,
>>> some debian tools do not handle this well. This applies to both files.
>>>> Accept = true
>>>> [Install]
>>>> WantedBy = sockets.target
>>> This should also have a description in a [Unit] section. Other than
>>> that, looks good.
>> Point taken, thanks for the review.
>>> csync2 at .service
>>>> [Unit]
>>>> Description = csyn2 asynchronous file synchronization
>>>> [Service]
>>>> User = csync2
>>>> Group = csync2
>>> The current package does not appear to create its own csync2 user, and
>>> runs it as root under inetd. I don't know which is appropriate.
>> I've also prepared a patch to create the system user, as root privileges
>> are not needed for the synchronization process when the files involved
>> are kept writable by the system user. In any case I'm sure there will be
>> an interesting discussion with the csync2 maintainers about this.
> OK, then it should be fine, provided the package also picks up the new user.
>>>> ExecStart = -/usr/sbin/csync2 -i
>>>> StandardInput = socket
>>>> StandardOutput = socket
>>> The StandardOutput line should not be needed, as it is inherited from
>>> StandardInput.
>> In the systemd.exec man page included in jessie is explained that the
>> default value for StandardOutput ends up being 'journal'. ¿That
>> behaviour has been changed?
> This seems to be a documentation bug. It appears that when
> StandardInput is set, then StandardOutput default changes to
> 'inherit'. I have filed an issue upstream[1]. This is not a major
> issue, however. The file would be correct either way.
> [1] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2114

Ok, I see. Thanks for your attention.


Dhionel Díaz
Centro Nacional de Desarrollo e Investigación en Tecnologías Libres
Ministerio del Poder Popular para
Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología

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