Bug#755722: systemd must sync systemclock to RTC on shutdown

Stefan Fritsch sf at sfritsch.de
Fri Feb 13 06:13:15 GMT 2015

severity 755722 grave

The attached service file (from [1]) seems to work if put into 
/etc/systemd/system/hwclock.service and enabled with

systemctl enable hwclock

Please include it in the package.

Note that I will escalate this to the TC if you downgrade the severity 
of this bug again without very good reason. And repeating some old 
statement from upstream is NOT a good reason.

[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/31674
-------------- next part --------------
Description=Synchronise Hardware Clock to System Clock

ExecStart=/sbin/hwclock --systohc

WantedBy=reboot.target halt.target poweroff.target

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