Bug#793198: systemd: poweroff, reboot without stopping services and unmounting
Пронин Илья Сергеевич
mimeticdrift at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 05:03:34 BST 2015
> Which version of systemd is that?
systemd 215
Package: systemd
Version: 215-17+deb8u1
> If you run "systemctl poweroff" or "systemctl reboot", does the
> problem happen as well?
Yes, tested many times, just got "systemctl poweroff" leads to
filesystem corruption.
> Which commands exactly does LXDE use to shutdown/reboot?
Depends on environment, according to source "lxsession-logout.c", in
case of systemd is detected, lxsession-logout calls systemd's functions
through dbus: PowerOff, CanPowerOff, Reboot, etc.
> Which services are not stopped? Which mount points are not unmounted?
Shutdown log tells everything stopped and unmounted [ OK ]. Boot logs
attached with fsck report.
More details:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="init=/bin/systemd systemd.log_level=debug
systemd.log_target=kmsg log_buf_len=1M enforcing=0"
BTW, my debian runs on external usb drive, maybe that's reason, but
it works without systemd. Please do not remove bug, problem still
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