Packaging issue: .service files are no conffiles (due to /lib) while init scripts are conffiles and hence remain longer on the system upon package removal without purging

Michael Biebl biebl at
Wed Jun 10 17:42:15 BST 2015

Am 10.06.2015 um 13:19 schrieb Axel Beckert:
> Michael Biebl wrote:
>> To address this, we added code do dh_systemd,


> After reading the source of
> /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/, I assume that
>   dh $@ --with=systemd
> suffices.
> Will try that.

I just noticed, that /lib/systemd/system/screen-cleanup.service isn't
actually a service file, but a symlink to /dev/null. This wasn't obvious
to me from your first email.

So technically, you already mask the sysv init script.
I assume that is because you ship a tmpfiles snippet,
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/screen-cleanup.conf (*) which implements the
equivalent functionality.

IIRC, dh_systemd_* only operates on real service files, so won't help
you, as this is a very specific use case.

So, option 2) might actually be the proper solution for your specific
case after all. If you create that mask dynamically via postinst, this
should be done in /etc though, I think.

But let me first think about this more, before you go on implementing


(*) you seem to ship an empty /etc/tmpfiles.d directory for no apparent

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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