Bug#788913: systemd prevents to boot with a kernel panic. Boot in systemv mode is ok

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Jun 16 10:40:54 BST 2015

Am 16.06.2015 um 10:42 schrieb eric2.valette at orange.com:
> On 06/16/2015 10:17 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Separate /usr and no initramfs to mount it?
> yes but 220-5 was working. I rather suspect the /tmp change as I do have
> this line in my /etc/fstab

Nope, it's more likely this:

  * Enable seccomp support on the architectures that provide libseccomp.
    (Closes: #760299)

The libseccomp library is in /usr.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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