Bug#788913: systemd prevents to boot with a kernel panic. Boot in systemv mode is ok

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Jun 16 10:58:47 BST 2015

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Am 16.06.2015 um 11:46 schrieb eric2.valette at orange.com:
> On 06/16/2015 11:40 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 16.06.2015 um 10:42 schrieberic2.valette at orange.com:
>>> On 06/16/2015 10:17 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
>>>> Separate /usr and no initramfs to mount it?
>>> yes but 220-5 was working. I rather suspect the /tmp change as I do have
>>> this line in my /etc/fstab
>> Nope, it's more likely this:
>>    * Enable seccomp support on the architectures that provide libseccomp.
>>      (Closes: #760299)
>> The libseccomp library is in /usr.
> Right. I can copy de lib in /lib and see if it works (was already hit by the 
> same bug with libapparmor!)

My suggestion would be, to fix your setup to either use an initramfs
like initramfs-tools or dracut, which mounts your /usr partition, or use
no separate /usr partition at all. There is just to much stuff that is
(silently) broken by this.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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