Bug#790561: After upgrading udev from 215-18 to 220-7 or 221-1, the system is unbootable afterwards

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Jun 30 19:01:43 BST 2015

Am 30.06.2015 um 19:50 schrieb Axel Beckert:
> Hi,
> Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 30.06.2015 um 17:52 schrieb Klaus Ethgen:
>>> # CONFIG_FHANDLE is not set
>> E.g. that one is missing.
>> If you compile your own kernel, you should make sure all requirements
>> listed at [1] are met. I didn't check all other options, but your
>> problem is most likely related to that.
> In the past the udev package IIRC checked for such issues in preinst
> and refused to upgrade if it found newly required configurations not
> being present.
> Any reason why this hasn't been done in this case?

I'd be willing to merge a tested patch for that.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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