Bug#784238: Re: Bug#784238: systemd: emergency.service restart leads to unusable system

Thomas Liske liske at ibh.de
Thu May 14 23:59:48 BST 2015

severity 784437 wishlist

On 05/06/2015 01:05 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> @needrestart maintainers: can you give us some background on this, does
>> needrestart really restart emergency.service while it's being active?
>> That would be a bit like pulling the rug while you're standing on it.

needrestart is not able to detect if restarting a service kills it's own
session (sshd is fine, kdm is not, ...). The default config does list
any services which should be restart - but restart of services known to
be destructive are not selected by default.

> Cloning this bug for needrestart.
> needrestart shouldn't restart emergency.service (or rescue.service)
> while you are logged in using the shell.

I'll add an override to needrestart.conf - are there more systemd
specific services known to be critical?


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Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Liske
Netzwerk- und System-Design

IBH IT-Service GmbH                         Amtsgericht Dresden
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