systemd unit functional, but not enabled by default issue

Martin Pitt mpitt at
Wed May 20 17:31:40 BST 2015

Hello Patrick,

Patrick Schleizer [2015-05-20 15:32 +0000]:
> Looks like a bug in `deb-systemd-helper`?
> The spaces in
> > WantedBy =
> are unsupported by `deb-systemd-helper`. It needs to be strictly without
> spaces.
> >

Right, and that's how all other units look like too, and the manpages
don't say that extra space is allowed either (in fact it is explicitly
not between e. g. '!' or '|' and the program name).

So, please feel free to file a minor bug against deb-systemd-helper,
but I wouldn't recommend shipping units like that.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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