Bug#769889: dconf-CRITICAL: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Fri Nov 13 23:33:26 GMT 2015

Am 13.11.2015 um 23:42 schrieb pioruns:
> I just experienced this problem on Debian Jessie AMD64 with MATE.
> mate-panel process devoured 16GB of RAM and 15GB of swap, I had to
> reboot PC from terminal.
> on ~/.xsession-errors  file I found never-ending stream of error messages:
> (mate-panel:1490): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file
> '/run/user/1000/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work
> properly.
> I applied chmod:
> chmod u+rx /run/user/1000/gvfs
> Result of command you asked (after chmod):
> pioruns at debian-desktop:~$ ls -l /run/user/1000/dconf/user
> -rw------- 1 pioruns pioruns 2 Nov 13 22:28 /run/user/1000/dconf/user
> Will this chmod resolve problem, it won't back again? What is a source
> of this problem?

We had a couple of users reporting such an issue and afaicr, always MATE
was involved. I'm inclined to say the choice of desktop environment is
relevant here. Maybe MATE is doing something.
As I don't use MATE, I can't tell though.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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