Bug#697362: debhelper: [dh_installudev] please automatically generate `udevadm trigger` calls

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Sat Feb 27 10:19:29 GMT 2016

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Michael Biebl:
> Am 22.02.2016 um 20:37 schrieb Niels Thykier:
>> [...]
>> Hi systemd/udev maintainers,
>> Is this something we can solve by using dpkg file triggers (or an
>> activate-noawait trigger)?
> "udevadm trigger" should not be run unconditionally as it can have side
> effects.
> If it has to be run at all, it should  be limited to packages which need
> it and be done for the corresponding subsystem only.
> So I think neither having dh_installudev generate that by default nor
> having a dpkg (file) trigger is a good idea.
> Michael

Hi Michael and Luca,

Thanks for your explanation.

@Luca: Can you elaborate on how many packages where you would need the
"udevadm trigger" call?  From Michael's explanation I am not quite sure
it makes sense to add this to debhelper unless it is a common thing.


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