Bug#811367: [systemd] Broken input in X11 after logging out

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Jan 18 12:31:59 GMT 2016

Control: severity -1 important
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Am 18.01.2016 um 12:02 schrieb Alexey Feldgendler:
> --- Please enter the report below this line. ---
> I use slim as the graphical login manager. After boot, X11 starts, and
> I can log in using slim's graphical login screen.
> After logging out from the window manager session (ion3), X11
> restarts, and slim's graphical login screen appears, but there is no
> mouse pointer, and the keyboard is not working, either. Not even
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, Ctrl-Alt-F# or Ctrl-Alt-Del work. The only thing I
> can do is hard-reset the machine.
> Below is the xorg log from the problematic start. I suspect a systemd
> problem because of the "paused 1" for the various input devices. I'm
> not sure I'm filing the report to the right package, though. It might
> not be systemd's fault, I just don't know what to do.

Is this problem reproducible (after a reboot)?
Do you have a special multi-monitor setup, multiple X servers?
Can you try a different display manager, like lightdm.

Did you always have this problem or is this new. If the latter, were
other parts of the system updated at that point and which ones?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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