iptables split

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu Jun 9 01:44:28 BST 2016

Hi Arturo,

I noticed that you split of the various libraries in iptables into
separate subpackages. This will make it more feasible to implement the
requested change in #787480.

While looking at the package split, I noticed the following:
libiptc.pc contains
Requires:      libip4tc libip6tc

Therefore, the libiptc-dev package should depend on libip4tc-dev and
libip6tc-dev. Otherwise the pkg-config check for libiptc.pc fails.

You also need to fix the Breaks/Replaces in debian/control. The split
happened in 1.6.0-3, so you need
Replaces: iptables (<< 1.6.0-3)
Breaks: iptables (<< 1.6.0-3)

Replaces: iptables (<< 1.6.0-3~)
Breaks: iptables (<< 1.6.0-3~)
if you plan a backport

Also, the libiptc-dev, libip4tc-dev and libip6tc-dev packages should have a
Replaces: iptables-dev (<< 1.6.0-3~)
Breaks: iptables-dev (<< 1.6.0-3~)

instead of a Conflicts: iptables-dev

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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