Bug#758808: Me too in Stretch

Borden Rhodes jrvp at bordenrhodes.com
Fri Jun 17 08:10:26 BST 2016

I seem to have caught this bug after my last dist-upgrade which moved
me from kernel 4.5 to 4.6 (without apparently changing anything else).

My particulars: msdos partition table with
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
/dev/mapper/LVG-root /               btrfs   defaults        0       1
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=675b6fe9-....-....-....-34767a2f3583 /boot           btrfs
defaults        0       2
/dev/mapper/LVG-home /home           btrfs   defaults        0       2
/dev/mapper/LVG-tmp /tmp            btrfs   defaults        0       2
/dev/mapper/LVG-var /var            btrfs   defaults        0       2
/dev/sr0        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0

sda5_crypt UUID=cfaff4b2-....-....-....-34e72861dff0 none luks

Output of systemctl list-jobs (during the 90 second countdown):
http://pastebin.com/negj3FWz (link expires in 7 days). After the 90
countdown, boot fails to complete but list-jobs shows no running
I have an output for journalctl -alb which weighs in at about 530 kb
and, therefore, too big for the pastebin. Is there some place else I
can dump it?

I did try booting with the 4.5 kernel with the same symptoms. Like the
other reports, I can boot into recovery without problem and, even
after failing to drop into the emergency shell, I can navigate all the
partitions from the debug-shell.

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