RFB: Backport of python-systemd to jessie-backports?

Wolodja Wentland debian at babilen5.org
Wed Mar 16 10:44:07 GMT 2016

Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org> writes:

> [ text/plain ]
> Am 15.03.2016 um 10:32 schrieb Wolodja Wentland:

> python3-systemd is available in jessie (version v215 to be precise).
> What exactly do you need in salt, bindings for python2 or a specific
> version of the python bindings?

It requires bindings for Python 2 (i.e. python-systemd), but I am not
entirely sure if which version it needs exactly. I'll investigate that

It is not particularly hard to get salt to work without it, but it uses
systemd.daemon.notify() which is functionality that I'd like to provide in
Wolodja <debian at babilen5.org>

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