Bug#756023: init: Move "Essential: yes" from init to init-system-helpers

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu May 19 17:27:28 BST 2016

Am 19.05.2016 um 18:11 schrieb Martin Pitt:
> Control: tag -1 pending
> Hello all,
> Ansgar Burchardt [2016-05-05 15:05 +0200]:
>> I would like "init" to be optional in Debian 9 for chroot environments
>> and some uses of containers.  A first step seems to be making "init" no
>> longer essential; it would nice nice if the priority could later be
>> downgraded as well (to "important") so that a minimal debootstrap will
>> not install it.
> We revisited that again last week on IRC, and confirmed that
> invoke-rc.d and update-rc.d behave well enough in environments without
> any init. This was the main thing I wanted to assert before we do
> this, I'm not aware of any other reasons why this would not work any
> more.
>>  - Now:
>>    + "init" package: Remove "Essential: yes"
>>    + "init-system-helpers" package: Add "Essential: yes"
>>  - Later:
>>    + "init": Change priority from "required" to "important".
> I committed both in
>   http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/init-system-helpers.git/commit/?id=da29f8242

Could we add the Important: yes field to "init"? Having that makes a lot
of sense to me.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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