Bug#824707: systemd: I get fsck's every other boot: due to systemd-timesyncd not updating hwclock?

Manuel Bilderbeek manuel.bilderbeek at gmail.com
Thu May 19 22:31:29 BST 2016


On 19-05-16 23:04, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Looks like I need to have systemd-timesync run *before* systemd-fsck!?
> If your hwclock drifts that much, maybe
> /etc/e2fsck.conf:
>          [options]
>          broken_system_clock=1
> (as referenced in my earlier reply) is an option.
> Can you try that?

Sure, but won't that effectively disable fsck'ing based on 'time since 
last check'?

Also, is it normal that that config file doesn't exist yet?

Kind regards,


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