Bug#824707: systemd: I get fsck's every other boot: due to systemd-timesyncd not updating hwclock?

Manuel Bilderbeek manuel.bilderbeek at gmail.com
Mon May 23 19:04:55 BST 2016


After a few days, reporting here what's going on now...

1. I haven't seen an fsck of my HDD's ever since I added that 
e2fsck.conf file
2. When booting, I do get a message that superblock timestamps of my SSD 
(/dev/sdf1) are too far in the future and I get a very quick fsck of the 
SDD. It takes only a few seconds though, so I'm not sure what's going 
on... It's not shown anywhere in the journalctl output.
3. My BIOS told me at boot today that no RTC clock time was set. I guess 
my RTC battery is dead. Will replace it.

Kind regards,


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