Bug#840608: systemd: nmbd.service long time to start when rebooting

Kirill Sutulo sutulo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 14:24:33 BST 2016

Yes. restarting service is very fast.

On 10/13/16, Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> Hi
> Am 13.10.2016 um 10:33 schrieb kirill:
>> systemd-analyze blame | head -8
>>          22.026s nmbd.service
>>           6.217s systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
>>           4.462s networking.service
>>           3.521s alsa-restore.service
>>           3.474s pppd-dns.service
>>           3.473s incron.service
>>           3.465s systemd-logind.service
>>           3.456s rc-local.service
>> ---------------------------
>> systemd-analyze critical-chain
>> graphical.target @36.509s
>> └─multi-user.target @36.509s
>>   └─smbd.service @35.994s +514ms
>>     └─nmbd.service @13.967s +22.026s
>>       └─basic.target @13.946s
>>         └─paths.target @13.946s
>>           └─cups.path @13.946s
>>             └─sysinit.target @13.871s
>>               └─nfs-common.service @13.481s +389ms
>>                 └─rpcbind.target @13.481s
>>                   └─rpcbind.service @12.167s +1.313s
>>                     └─network-online.target @12.167s
>>                       └─network.target @12.167s
>>                         └─ifup at eth0.service @12.167s
>>                           └─networking.service @7.704s +4.462s
>>                             └─systemd-random-seed.service @7.249s +454ms
>>                               └─var.mount @6.357s +874ms
>> └─systemd-fsck at dev-disk-by\x2duuid-0d8732cc\x2d691a\x2d41a0\x2d9266\x2d6690e358a902.service
>> @5.048s +1.309s
>> └─dev-disk-by\x2duuid-0d8732cc\x2d691a\x2d41a0\x2d9266\x2d6690e358a902.device
>> @5.047s
> Can you find out, what nmbd is waiting for?
> That smells like a network issue. I assume if you use
> systemctl restart nmbd.service when the system is running it doesn't
> take 22 seconds?
> --
> Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
> universe are pointed away from Earth?

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