Bug#856337: systemd: please support kernel 4.4, or don't hardcode dm interface versions

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Feb 28 17:35:16 GMT 2017

Am 28.02.2017 um 02:19 schrieb Marc Lehmann:
> I upgraded to stretch, using kernel 4.4.47. When rebooting, system could
> not clean up device mapper targets, leading to a hard crash for all cache
> targets, requiring many hours of heavy I/O after bootup and creating a
> high-risk window for data corruption.

So, this does not only affect custom kernels < 4.8 or partial upgrades
still using the jessie kernel, it basically affects every system using
LVM/DM when being upgraded to stretch on first shutdown/reboot as we
still have the old jessie kernel running but we use systemd-shutdown
from 232/stretch.

Can you elaborate where and how such data corruption can happen?
Not being able to shutdown/detach all DM devices has been the case for
basically forever in Debian (most prominent example if / is on LVM).
I've never seen data corruption as a result of this.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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