Bug#774430: systemd: service makes as not reloadable

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Wed Jan 18 13:31:57 GMT 2017

Control: fixed -1 217-1


On 22/12/16 01:03, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Hi James
> Am 22.12.2016 um 01:48 schrieb James Cowgill:
>> # dpkg -s systemd | grep ^Version
>> Version: 232-7
> Could you test with v215 from jessie as well on this system?
> It would be good to know if this issue has already been fixed upstream.
> Running a git bisect might then help to identify the fix.

Sorry it's taken quite a long time to reply to you on this :/

I've checked for this bug across various mips machines, and it is only
present on the big-endian machines running jessie. I then managed to
bisect it to somewhere between 215 and 217.

After debugging a bit I found this commit which seems likely to be the
cause. I haven't actually tested 215 with the patch though:

The timestamp issues mentioned earlier may not be a bug. minkus does
not have an RTC so on boot the time will be 1970 and will only be
updated when ntp (or something else) starts.


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