Bug#915397: systemd-container: fails to start a container going through machines.target or machinectl

ed.gomez at free.fr ed.gomez at free.fr
Mon Dec 10 10:29:23 GMT 2018


I could eventually reboot the workstation after I upgraded to Linux 
4.19.8, and updated to today's sid.

Let me go through your config hints first:
> # grep CGROUP /boot/config-4.18.0-3-amd64
> ...

I checked and these were all active in my kernel build as well.

> $ findmnt
> ...
> Maybe check if cgroup2 is mounted for you.

All present too.


But anyway, that doesn't matter anymore :-)

For no reason that i can explain precisely, since I updated/rebooted, I 
can  use the systemd-container 239-15 to spawn the containers...

I guess the best is to close this issue, as "can't reproduce" then.

Thank you for your time.

Edouard Gomez

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