Bug#887852: /dev/kvm is no longer accessible to local users

Alexander Kurtz alexander at kurtz.be
Sat Jan 20 17:21:33 GMT 2018

Package: systemd
Version: 236-3


Until recently, /dev/kvm was made accessible to local users by this
line in /lib/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules:

	# KVM
	SUBSYSTEM=="misc", KERNEL=="kvm", TAG+="uaccess"

However, as of systemd 236, the above rule seems to be gone. After
reading up a bit on systemd's upstream and Debian bug tracker, I'm even
more confused than before: Which package is supposed to manage
permissions on /dev/kvm in Debian? Which package is supposed to create
the "kvm" group? Is the missing access for local users intentional?

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz
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