Bug#900168: systemd: Ignore systemd-machine-id-setup

Hideki Yamane henrich at iijmio-mail.jp
Sun May 27 00:28:33 BST 2018

Package: systemd
Severity: wishlist


 During debootstrap autopkgtest, it runs debootstap itself under systemd-nspawn
 environment. And salsa CI runner runs it under docker and it doesn't have
 full privilege. Then it causes error with systemd package setup with run
 docker + systemd-nspawn + debootstrap(chroot) = systemd-machine-id-setup fail.

 Attached patch would just ignore this error.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.org/iijmio-mail.jp
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Name: 0001-Ignore-systemd-machine-id-setup-error-for-in-some-en.patch
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