Bug#897654: libpam-systemd: "Failed to create session: No such process"
Michael Gold
mgold at qnx.com
Fri May 4 17:24:22 BST 2018
On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 18:02:09 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> I guess you have two options here:
> Either drop gid=4 from your mount flags or you add
> SupplementaryGroups=adm to systemd-logind.service
I haven't figured out how to override that .service file locally yet,
but I'm trying to add SupplementaryGroups=adm.
If I just drop 'gid=4' I won't be able to use "pidin aux" myself.
> Why adm is a suitable group for that purpose is not clear to me, but
> that's besides the point.
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Security#hidepid suggests to use a
> dedicated group like proc which makes more sense to me.
Kind of, but that's not a standard Debian group. adm is, and does make
sense based on the documentation (also note that johnw independently had
the same idea):
"adm: Group adm is used for system monitoring tasks. Members of this
group can read many log files in /var/log, …
staff: Allows users to add local modifications … Compare with group
'adm', which is more related to monitoring/security."
> Anyway, this really seems to simply be a local (mis)configuration issue.
You're right it's a local problem--though not a reasonably foreseeable,
noticeable, or easily debuggable consequence of 'hidepid'. If you were
willing to add "SupplementaryGroups=adm" to the shipped file, that would
be helpful and I think reasonable based on the stated purpose of 'adm'.
I'm having trouble thinking of a "proper" way for systemd to handle it
while Debian ships with hidepid disabled.
-- Michael
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